A peaceful, safe and healthy Christmas season to you all

A peaceful, safe and healthy Christmas season to you all

Believe it or not, I did not get my own Christmas tree up and decorated until just a couple days ago, on December 23rd. Kind of funny, when you think about it-- I make ornaments for sale each holiday season...with the whole idea of making a beautiful home for the holiday season.

I knew that our home must be decorated and festive at least in time for our daughter's arrival on the 23rd.  Up until then, however, it was messy, filled with unopened amazon boxes, craft supplies strewn everywhere, dust and glitter over the floor and surfaces--NOT festive.  The reason? I just COULD NOT tear myself away from my little studio (our second bedroom) where I had been making these ornaments for the last 15 days!

While watching  "Doctor Zhivago", "Sound Of Music", "Gigi", "Gone With the Wind",  in pajamas and drinking wine, other nights listening  to traditional Christmas music...it created a well-needed escape from all the sad and scary events happening in our world. My creative cocoon.

Because making these ornaments was so therapeutic, I've decided to keep our Christmas tree up--maybe for all of 2021. After all, why not? Everything is "upside down" now and we must do what we can to find things that make us happy and keep us calm.

I offer my deepest condolences to those more seriously affected by this terrible pandemic. It's difficult to see light at the end of this tunnel, but it is coming. Until then, please stay safe, wear a mask, avoid crowds and gatherings. Let's do our part so that we can celebrate getting back to our normal lives in 2021. 





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